Hi lovely people!
For those in a rush, here’s the long story short: 
I started a crowdfunding campaign on a platform called Kickstarter, it is called: “Join Mia Strada's Mindful Shopping Revolution!”. The aim is to raise £35000 to get the business over the four year slump we have experienced and to set a strong foundation for the re-set we so urgently crave.
It started on the 6th of June and will last until the 5th of August and I’d LOVE for you to get involved! Please check our campaign out, and let me now what you think 🙏. There is SO much value in just tiny actions like sharing this page with your loved ones, spreading the word about why you love what we stand for, a like, comment or share on our socials. It would be awesome if you could pledge a donation in exchange for a fun reward (every £ is appreciated and will only come to us once the goal has been reached collectively).
Cross your fingers for us, as we go through this make or break period of our journey! 🙏
Ok! so if you have a moment to spare, I am happy to elaborate 😅…
I believe we are reaching a pivotal moment in which companies like mine will have to prove they can sustain in the current new “normal”, or give up, because times have changed and there’s no going back. In a weird way, this makes for a great opportunity to re-set the way we do business: if things are slowing down, aren’t they more sustainable already?
To make it through, we need to have the ability to reach new audiences and expand our inventory, and this requires funds that we have been struggling to reach in conventional ways.
I like the way Kickstarter works, the platform allows for people to make pledges of support in exchange for fun rewards and the money is only donated when the goal has been reached as a collective of backers. I love the idea that every pound helps, it all adds up and it is the sum of everyone’s well wishes that can make dreams come true! 😊
The platform recommends to include ‘early bird offers’ to entice people that are familiar with the project to start pledging sooner and help the campaign gain momentum. I have added additional perks for our early backers and these will be available during the first two weeks of the campaign, these are meant for you! 😘 Please follow this link if you’d like to see what all the fuss is about.
Do let me know what you think of it, I would love to know your thoughts and feedback can be super helpful 🙏
It is going to be so exciting to see what the future holds...
The warmest wishes, always,
xx Mireya 🌱
p.s. I feel sometimes the hardest thing is to believe this is actually doable, would people really care enough for us to make it? Well, the answer is: I don’t know, but I am happy to discover it!
It helps to break the numbers down and this is what I figure: If we get 3000 people to pledge a donation, it would take £12 from each to reach the target and I have crafted some really lovely rewards that are worth more than that. This email is being sent to 2900 of you today so, who knows, maybe this is doable! I am also going to promote this campaign on local media outlets and other platforms; If you know a group, company or podcast that would love to hear about us and what we are doing, send me their way and I’ll go promote my little heart off! 💪